The spiral air duct will certainly be affected in the low temperature environment, so how should our manufacturer deal with this situation? First Sand suction hose Where can I find it? Do a good job in thermal insulation and select thermal insulation materials (applicable to industry and construction industry), but the selection of thermal insulation materials (applicable to industry and construction industry) is also necessary. Shandong Hongyuansheng, a spiral air duct manufacturer, will tell you how to choose. Good thermal insulation performance. The specification of the next thermal insulation material (applicable to industry and buildings) should meet the requirements of the air duct system used, not only that, but also the design requirements of the air duct. The thermal insulation material (applicable to industry and buildings) has product quality certificates and other qualified documents. Galvanized spiral air duct is widely circulated in the municipal spiral air duct market. The galvanized steel plate spiral air duct is basically the feature of stainless steel spiral air duct, but its price is only two thirds or even lower than that of stainless steel air duct. Composite spiral air duct is generally used in the environment where the environment is common, and the requirements for air duct are not too high. Thermal insulation materials (used in industry and construction) can effectively protect pipelines from damage in winter. Galvanized spiral air duct is widely circulated in the spiral air duct market. The galvanized steel plate spiral air duct is basically the feature of stainless steel spiral air duct, but its price is only two thirds or even lower than that of stainless steel air duct. Zhejiang Sand suction hose It is generally used in the environment where the environment is common, and the requirements for air ducts are not too high. In terms of clean air ducts, fire-resistant closed cell rubber foam insulation materials (used in industry and buildings) are generally used, and incombustible aluminum (aluminum) foil glass wool board is used for smoke exhaust ducts. These two materials are common and have good thermal insulation performance.

Many people don't know much about spiral tube. In fact high quality Sand suction hose It is very extensive. Spiral air duct is mainly used to connect the two places for ventilation. Spiral air ducts (stainless steel and galvanized iron sheet) are widely used in the market. Spiral air duct market is generally divided into three categories according to material: galvanized spiral air duct, stainless steel spiral air duct and composite spiral air duct. Among them, the stainless steel air duct has good quality and strong applicability, but its price is high. The return air duct of purification system, central air conditioning ventilation duct, industrial air supply and exhaust duct, environmental protection system suction and exhaust duct, mine gas drainage duct, mine coating duct, etc. The spiral duct is first used for ventilation and cooling, which belongs to the category of air duct. It is named according to its purpose, but it can also be used in other places, even for drainage, drainage or as a container, which cannot be called a pipe. Named according to the structure, it should be called spiral grooved thin-walled tube, because it is mainly made of metal, also called spiral grooved metal tube. According to the material name, there may be several names: galvanized (any zinc) (galvanized) (iron), spiral pipe, stainless steel spiral pipe (stainless steel acid resistant steel), aluminum (aluminum) spiral pipe, or in order to distinguish from the existing acid resistant stainless steel pipe, Sand suction hose Where can I find it? It can be called ultra-thin stainless steel pipe, because it can use 0.3mm or even thinner to roll stainless steel strip.

Zhejiang Sand suction hose Compared with rectangular duct, it is widely used in the ventilation industry. Why? Let's start with its advantages to solve this problem and make it clear. At the same time, through the following introduction, I hope you can know more about the spiral duct and make yourself more professional in this regard. Now let's understand the function of air duct: function 1: air supply and ventilation. It is used to transport fresh air and waste gas, exhaust harmful gas, and deliver outdoor fresh air to the room. Generally speaking, spiral air duct is good. If the environment is humid or corrosive, stainless steel shall be used to avoid rust and corrosion of air duct. Function 2: provide cold air. It is mainly used for central air conditioning, but thermal insulation materials need to be added on the air duct. Function 3: Exhaust lampblack: It is mainly used to exhaust kitchen lampblack in restaurants, hotels and other places. Generally, circular air ducts are used. Function 4: dedusting and bulk material conveying: in the factory workshop, the air duct is used for dedusting, and the spiral air duct can be used for conveying particles, such as foam plastic particles, because Sand suction hose Where can I find it? The proportion of products is small. 1) Under the same plate thickness and pipe diameter, the strength of spiral air duct is higher. (2) Under the same section, the structural tension of spiral air duct is more reasonable, the stiffness is better, and the noise and vibration can be greatly reduced. (3) At the same length, the number of flange connections of spiral air duct is less, which can greatly improve the ventilation quality of the system.

Zhejiang Sand suction hose Prevention of vibration and noise during installation: the prevention of vibration and noise during installation is a key point in the installation process. The prevention of vibration and noise of spiral air duct during installation is mainly from the following aspects: 1. The fan and spiral air duct are connected by hose, and the hose at the suction inlet of the fan shall be installed with appropriate tightness, Avoid noise and vibration caused by reducing the area of air inlet and outlet due to loose soft connection. 2. The spiral air duct shall be made, installed and connected with the components. The connection shall be tight to reduce the gap and avoid air leakage noise. 3 In order to prevent the spiral air duct from vibration, fixed supports shall be installed at the turning of each system spiral air duct and at the connection with the ventilator and the air outlet for shock absorption. 4 The vibration damping device shall be set according to the design requirements or construction specifications during fan installation. Air leakage rate test of spiral air duct After the installation of spiral air duct, air leakage rate test is required. According to the specifications, the air leakage rate test of spiral air duct adopts the combination of light leakage legality and quantitative air leakage rate test. The light leakage method is suitable for the tightness test of medium and low pressure systems; The air leakage rate test is suitable for sampling inspection of medium pressure system and full detection of high pressure system. Light leak detection of spiral air duct Light leak detection is a qualitative method to detect the tightness of the spiral air duct of the system by using the strong penetration of light to holes. The test method is to use a bulb with protective cover whose voltage is not higher than 36V and power is more than 100W in the spiral air duct on a certain length of spiral air duct in dark environment, and slowly move from one end of the spiral air duct to the other end. If light can be observed outside the spiral air duct during the test, it indicates that there is a leak point in the spiral air duct, and repair the leak point of the spiral air duct. Sand suction hose Where can I find it? The light leak detection method of the low-pressure system adopts the method of subsection detection and summary analysis. The spiral air duct of the tested system is not allowed to have multiple obvious light leaks in the form of slits. The spiral air duct of the low-pressure system has no more than two light leak points every 10 meters, and the average joint of 100 meters is no more than 16; For every 10 joints of spiral air duct of medium pressure system, no more than 1 light leak point, and no more than 8 joints per 100 meters are qualified.

Ventilation pipes on ships are generally made of galvanized iron sheet high quality Sand suction hose This kind of air duct is generally made by hand, and the production efficiency is low. Later, circular spiral air ducts made by machines greatly improved the production efficiency of air ducts and the quality of air ducts, which were widely used on civilian ships. However, for military ships with very strict height restrictions, circular air ducts obviously occupied more height than rectangular air ducts, which limited the promotion and use of circular spiral air ducts on ships. In the 1980s, 708 Research Institute, the Military Representative Office of Navy Garrison 426 Factory and Dalian Bohai Air Conditioning Auxiliary Factory jointly successfully trial produced the flat spiral air duct. It combines the advantages of the circular spiral air duct and the rectangular air duct. It is the third generation of air duct for ships, which is welcomed by the ship design department and has achieved good results after many ship use. The structure of the spiral air duct is the same as the round spiral air duct. It is also formed by rolling galvanized iron sheet on a special pipe coiler. Therefore, it can be produced mechanically, and the inner surface of the air duct is flat and smooth. The utilization rate of materials is also high. The thickness of galvanized iron sheet is generally 0.6mm. Although it is 0.75~slightly thinner than the commonly used rectangular air duct iron sheet, its rigidity is higher than that of rectangular air duct due to the reinforcement effect of spiral undercut. There are two types of flat spiral air duct: non adiabatic and pre adiabatic. Non adiabatic type is applicable to air conditioning ducts with simple mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation and external insulation. Zhejiang Sand suction hose There are two types, one is air layer insulation, that is, there is 12.5~thick air layer between the inner pipe and the outer pipe. The other is that the inner and outer pipes are filled with thermal insulation materials rock wool or ultra-fine glass wool to become good thermal insulation air conditioning ducts.

What is stainless steel spiral duct? Sand suction hose Where can I find it? The products are mainly used to connect the air flow between two places and play the role of ventilation. There are three types of galvanized spiral air ducts, stainless steel spiral air ducts and composite spiral air ducts. Here we mainly talk about the stainless steel spiral air duct, and briefly analyze the reason why it is widely used in villas. The so-called stainless steel air duct is strictly a kind of air duct processing technology, also known as spiral seamed thin-walled tube. The best quality is the thin-walled tube with spiral seamed made of metal strips. Because the applied material is metal, it is also called spiral seamed metal tube. It was first used in the military industry of western countries, such as ships, ship ventilation, air conditioning systems, and later used in trains Subway, mine and other civil facilities. By 2000, according to statistics, 95.6% of office buildings, shopping malls and subways in the United States had applied spiral air ducts. In civil residential buildings, 72.5% of central air conditioners use spiral air ducts. Since the mid-1990s, China has introduced this technology into the shipbuilding industry. With the rapid development of China's economy, the use of central air conditioners has increased year by year, and the quality of auxiliary products for exhaust and air supply has been continuously improved. Spiral air ducts have been widely used in some villas. (1) Product standardization: The production of spiral round air duct fittings (pipe fittings and joints) has been highly automated, systematic, and has industrialized quality control. It is well known that the wind resistance of circular duct is much smaller than that of rectangular duct. (2) Easy to install. The installation of spiral air duct significantly reduces the connection points between pipes and minimizes the leakage at the joint of pipe fittings. The typical spiral air duct is 3~6m long, while the typical rectangular air duct is only 1~1.5m long; The connection of two spiral air ducts requires only one pipe connector, while the connection of traditional rectangular air ducts often requires a completely independent double flange system. (3) Usually only small installation space is required: the same high quality Sand suction hose The circular pipe with a diameter of 200mm in the installation space can replace 250 × 150mm rectangular pipe. On the premise of not increasing additional installation space, several parallel circular pipes can replace flat rectangular pipes.